Ministry to Farsi Speakers


Bible Fellowship Church supports one of our own families who is currently working to bring further Bible training to Farsi speakers. Due to the sensitive nature of this work, detailed information is available only through the church office or from the Tuesday morning prayer group which meets in Room 101 at 6am each week.

Tajikistan is one of the most mountainous countries in the world and is subject to frequent earthquakes. The native population includes a diversity of peoples: Tajiks, Uzbeks, Kazaks, Russians, Mongols, Afghans, Persians and other groups.  The majority of the 160 million Farsi speakers worldwide live in three countries; Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Iran.  

Tajikistan was freed from Russian domination in 1991, declaring Farsi its official language. It is the only Farsi speaking country where the church is free to meet. According to Tajikistan law, only natives can pastor their churches. This law requiring national leadership encourages church planters to adopt first-century methods of church planting. However, there must also be training.



*praise for openness and opportunities in Tajikistan

*for the economic situation which separates families for long periods of time

*for the trainers to teach and equip pastors and local believers

*for churches to spring up and grow, especially in the countryside