One of God's purposes for us as individuals and as a church is to fulfill Jesus' Great Commission to "Go make disciples of all the nations . . ." (Matthew 6:19). The three facets of this great task are praying, sending and going.
The BFC Missions Team is made up of people just like you. Some people invest time and energy by praying for our missionaries; some "send" by giving financially or by using their abilities to accomplish tasks necessary for the work of those who go; and some "go." They may "go" into local mission fields such as hospitals and schools, while others travel to places which can be reached in a few hours drive, and still others relocate their lives to distant lands.
Taking seriously the mandate of the 20th century to go to those who are yet unreached with the Gospel of Jesus, Bible Fellowship adopted the Buryat people group in 1993. Each summer we send a team to Siberia where the Buryat peoples have now established churches of their own and are making a concerted effort to reach other Buryats.
Reaching our community and the larger world for Jesus is a team effort. Therefore, we are currently working with other churches, faith-based organizations, and individuals to see that “The Good News” about Jesus Christ is spread locally and throughout the unreached world. BFC supports individuals and organizations through members’ designated giving, families and individuals choosing which mission and missionaries to support. Also, the church has a long-standing policy that a portion of all offerings given to BFC is tithed to missions.
Mission Team meetings are held the third Saturday of every month at 7:30 am in the church kitchen. Anyone with a desire to help reach the world for Christ is invited to attend.
To learn more about our worldwide missions ministry, as well as our local outreach ministries, please visit the following links.
Link to BFC Worldwide Mission Ministry
Link to BFC Local Outreach