Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
BFC Children's Ministry desires to bring glory to God. We want to share God's love and forgiveness, become like Christ and bring others to Him.
Here at BFC Kids we strive to fulfill this purpose by creating a loving and nurturing environment in which children and parents are encouraged to learn and grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Here at BFC Kids we strive to fulfill this purpose by creating a loving and nurturing environment in which children and parents are encouraged to learn and grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Sunday Mornings
Infants - 5th Grade
8:30am & 10:30am
On Sundays we use the Grow Curriculum. The Grow Kids scope and sequence will take kids through every major Bible story in three years. At the end of three years, we’ll start over! We spend an equal amount of time in the Old and New Testaments.